Free Information Talks on Breathing Exercises for Wellness

Free Information Talks on Breathing Exercises for Wellness



Hi there!

Modern Science is validating amazing results of breathing exercises! Usefulness of Yoga Wellness programs in treatment is being documented through various studies.  recent medical study concluded that Yoga breathing (Pranayama) was a feasible intervention among patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy; pranayama may improve sleep disturbance, anxiety, and mental quality of life and a dose-response relationship was found between pranayama use and improvements in chemotherapy-associated symptoms and quality of life. 

It gives me immense pleasure to introduce Yoga services at SAVY International Inc. An ISLAND OF EXCELLENCE for Yoga, SAVY International Inc., in operation since 2011,  is an incorporated Canadian business and is a registered yoga school accredited RYS-200 and RYS-300 levels by Yoga Alliance, USA. We offer our services under one of the most qualified & experienced faculty in the world. Please check out SAVY Storyline to know about our journey so far.

DSBH Therapy, or Dr Sahdev’s ‘Breathe and Heal’ Therapy is the First Canadian Yogic  Breathing Exercises program designed for therapy, which helps achieve freedom from diseases and to attain positive health. This is also one of the very few breathing exercises programs in the world which offer training in yogic breathing exercises in a well-structured, stepped and safe way. Based on time-tested yoga techniques, including some very potent and effective breathing exercises validated by the stringent test of time, and a fruit of over three decades of laborious and painstaking clinical research and refinement in India, this program is one of the safest, most scientific and the most effective breathing exercises programs based on qualified medical and yoga expertise! It is the first, and so far the only, program in the world, to offer the benefits of Breathing Exercises, Surya-Yoga and other lesser known elements of yoga together for asthma, breathing problems, heart problems, cancer care and other major and minor diseases. 

We also launched DSBH Breathing Educator program, again, the First Canadian Breathing Educator program, to prepare DSBH Breathing Educators who’ll impart the knowledge about breathing exercises throughout Canada and the world in a safe and effective way.

Some of the recent studies have proved the following benefits of Pranayama, the science of breathing:

    •  Brain Growth and increase in grey matter
    • Improve concentration and mental focus
    • Prevent Heart Attack
    • Lower Stress
    • Get rid of Negative Emotions
    • Alleviate anxiety & depression
    • Effectively reduced performance anxiety
    • Reduce Examination/ Stage Phobia
    • Lower Blood Pressure
    • Favourable Gene Expression
    • Enhanced body immunity
    • Healthy Aging
    • Improve health
    • Amazing role in healing diseases
    • Bestow joy, peace and happiness
    • Awaken, balance and heal the chakras
    • Increase energy, vitality and awareness
    • Help break bad habits
    • Help manifest desires and intentions, with better focus
    • And many more benefits to be documented!

You can find links to some of these studies on Dr Sahdev’s’ Breathe and Heal’ Therapy page.

We offer interactive Free Information Talks which provide background on DSBH Therapy based on  clinically-proven breathing exercises, how to recognize symptoms of poor breathing, what healthy breathing looks like and how to improve breathing immediately. This talk can be tailored to the needs of various support groups and adjusted for time limitations from 15 minutes to 1 hour.

We also offer training in breathing exercises in a safe and stepped manner in Private sessions, small groups or workshops. From time to time, we hold workshops on different diseases based on breathing exercises.

These talks can be held at a physical location or on-line.

If you would like a free talk for your group,  or would be interested in attending a workshop, please contact us.

We look forward to serve you with the best of our abilities.

 Have a great day!

Dr Jitender K Sahdev





Dr Jitender K Sahdev




